Tuesday, November 5, 2013

An autumn update.

This is Quinn enjoying one of our last dry autumn days on the swings! By way of update, here is where Quinn stands on the three things people always ask when they find out you have a fourteen-month-old:

- Walking? Yep! All over the place. In fact, I think her two favorite places to be are the church and the high school, where there are long wide stretches of hallways for her to cruise.
- Favorite foods? Wish I knew...she's going through a phase where she seems to dislike just about anything that is put in front of her, unless it is derived from a potato and comes from the golden arches (don't judge me). I guess she also likes scrambled eggs. I lie awake at night scheming up ways to feed her fruits and vegetables but it's pretty hit and miss.
- Words? Quinn says a lot of things and mimics a lot of the sounds we make, but I'm not too sure how discriminate she is with her vocabulary. For example, she will look right at Spenser and say "dada" but then toddle off to the cat and start calling it "dada" as well. There is one word she seems to understand: "uh-oh", which she pretty clearly associates with things falling. Usually food that she is throwing off her high chair tray. Unless it is a french fry.

It's a fun age! I think most people who read this blog already know this old, albeit big, news...but I haven't documented it here, so for the sake of posterity: Quinn will be a big sister on or around May 5th!

I have had the usual host of first trimester complaints, but overall I am feeling well! We are going in for the 20-week ultrasound (at which point we will know the gender) on December 18th. We can't wait to add another little one to our family!


  1. WAHOO! Logged onto Blogger during a boring lecture and was super stoked to see a new post! Love ya, can't wait to see you guys in a couple weeks! I hope Quinners has started practicing her "Auntie Whit" and "Uncle Sam"!

  2. Haha! Sounds good, we can't wait to see you guys either!
