Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Ramping up.

I've been trying to capture some photos of these pouty faces since Quinn was very first born! As Grandpa Fowles would say: "Hang a bucket on that lip!" By way of quick update: Quinn is five weeks old and doing great. She is a healthy and (for the most part) happy little girl who changes every day. She is developing a lot of  neck strength and engages objects and people more intently with her eyes now, so it's fun to sit her on a knee and laugh at all of her expressions. The first question people usually ask me these days is how she is sleeping. I think Spens and I really lucked out in that department because most nights, Quinn is a great sleeper. She usually goes down between ten and eleven at night and sleeps for a four- or five- hour stretch before she gets up to eat. After that, she continues to sleep for two more three-hour shifts with feedings in between before she's up for the day. Sometimes the days are a little more difficult because her nap schedule is somewhat inconsistent, and I find it hard to get things done (such as feeding myself, haha), so I am on the lookout for a sling or front carrier that I can pop her into. 

Parenthood is sometimes challenging but even though we've only been at it for five weeks, I can already feel the rewards. I think there is something about placing your focus on meeting the needs of another person that increases your overall happiness. It's definitely a team effort and Quinn and I are so lucky that Spens is such a present, supportive father. Quinn also has lots of grandmas and grandpas who love her to death and are happy to spell mom and dad for a few minutes... :) 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Smoochin' and cuddlin'.

Quinn turned three weeks old yesterday! We pretty much spend every spare minute smoochin' and cuddlin' and spoonin' her. She is one sweet little baby.