Thursday, May 31, 2012

Sixty eight days to go.

{a pregnant lady's best friends}

Greetings all! Hopefully everyone had a restful, enjoyable Memorial Day weekend. By way of a short update, everything is going well on this end and we are excited to be just a little over two months away (sixty eight days until the due date of August 7th, to be more exact) from welcoming our little girl. A few weeks ago, my obstetrician said I was measuring a little large (fundal height-wise) and so we had an ultrasound just to confirm the baby has continued to develop healthily. Everything looked great, and although she is measuring in the 70th percentile for size, my doctor said measuring large is not really a concern until the baby measures in the 95th or above percentile so she is still right on track and it looks likely that she will just be tall, like her dad. In other good news, I had the routine gestational diabetes screen and that came back negative. I also came up slightly anemic, but that's nothing an iron supplement can't fix so we are good to go there.

I have been feeling pretty good; a bit achy, a bit swollen, and a bit gassy (TMI? Deal with it), but my energy level is still high. Hopefully I can maintain that until I finish up at work on June 14th. Lots of people have told me with gloom and doom in their eyes how miserable it will be to be hugely pregnant and have a baby in the summer, but I'm optimistic. Watermelon is in season, and our apartment complex has a pool. I think it's going to be great!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Nerd alert, nerd alert.

This photo requires a little explanation (no, I can't explain why Spenser is making that face, but if someone else can, I'd love to hear it). As anyone who attended our wedding luncheon knows, Spenser's dad REALLY likes to make fun of us because we had honeymoon plans to visit the Seattle Public Library. This is, of course, a hopelessly nerdy thing to do - but hey, in our defense - Seattle isn't Cancun! It's not like we were going to lounge around in beach chairs drinking mocktails or something, and the library happens to be a freaky cool attraction in Seattle! Anyway, on my last visit there I spotted these souvenir t-shirts and couldn't resist picking a few up to wear for Spenser's parents when they came into town last weekend. I figure: If we can't live it down, we'd better live it up.

Psst - would anyone like to get together and/or contribute a little mulah to make some birth kits for Bloggers for Birth Kits in honor of Mother's' Day?