Saturday, November 16, 2013

A family date.

The last couple of weeks have been a bit rough. Last week Quinn had a major teething episode, made obvious by the inhuman amounts of drool she started to produce (seriously, she could soak through her shirt in minutes). She was not her happy easygoing self at all; if I put her down, she wanted to be picked up, and when I picked her up she needed to be put back down again RIGHT NOW. She wanted a bottle, but then immediately wanted nothing to do with it. And she was up every hour and a half or so at night, sobbing and screaming. Poor kiddo! It was pretty miserable for all parties. Sure enough, this week when she would let us near her mouth we saw three or four new teeth poking through in there.

Just when I thought we were going to catch a break, I came down with a nasty cold (ok, well...maybe it hasn't been that nasty but I'm a pretty big wimp when I get sick so I didn't cope*). And then a few days later...poor Quinners' nose started running like a fountain. I don't know what to say about Spenser - he has freakish immunities and seems to have escaped it. But it has meant more sleepless nights and comfortless days this week.

So when Spenser got home from work this morning and everyone seemed to be in a pretty good state, I wanted to have a family date. We ran downtown for dumplings at Frank's Noodle House and then over to Salt & Straw for ice cream!! I was kind of bummed that we missed all of the autumn flavors but they have a special Thanksgiving menu right cranberry stuffing, mincemeat, caramel turkey (yes folks, these are flavors of ice cream). I was tempted by pumpkin custard w/spiced chevre but opted for sweet potato w/candied pecans. It was delicious, as you can see from the first picture above of Quinn shoving her face into it as soon as it was handed to me :) I also love that she is licking her lips in the second picture...she's a little woman after my own heart! She also loved people watching from the window. Ice cream was followed by a long family nap. Best Saturday ever; I sure love these two.

*Thank you, Mom and Vince, for helping out so much this week.

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