Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Winco crisis.

Quinn and I experienced a minor crisis this morning at Winco. Here I was, so proud of myself for getting us going early...but after an hour or so of grocery shopping, I loaded the groceries into the car, went to take Quinn out of the cart and discovered that her foot was totally wedged between the tiny metal slats! Folks, it was stuck. I could see that it wasn't going to be good but I tried to jiggle it a little bit anyway - at which point she erupted into screams of pain and big crocodile tears started pouring down her cheeks :( Her little ankle was really inflamed and any time I tried to work with it she would start screaming. I'm not sure how she even got it in there! I hadn't noticed it until I went to get her out! At this point I was having visions of firetrucks and the jaws of life and getting progressively more worked up myself. I finally wheeled the cart back into Winco for some help. I probably looked like a crazy person because I was bawling my eyes out and moving at top speed (although Quinn was relatively calm, as long as I wasn't touching her leg). It took a few tries, but the lady at customer service was finally able to understand that my child's foot was stuck. She assured me that it happens sometimes and we would free her, then got on the intercom: "Would an associate please bring a tub of butter to the customer service desk, thank you." Unfortunately that took about five minutes because the associate wasn't sure if we needed butter, margarine, unsalted, salted, low sodium, or organic butter and what size. Finally the customer service lady helping us just said "Any kind of butter is fine! It's an EMERGENCY!" So up came the butter, which we massaged around Quinn's ankle and pop! her leg came right out! It was all rather traumatizing but thanks to the nice Winco employees for helping us out!


  1. OMG first off--we now live behind Winco!! We love it and Aust especially loves it because, well you know how cheap he is, and he loves all the good deals in bulk there. I love it b/c I can literally walk there in about 1.5 minutes.
    ALSO this incident reminds me of when I thought it would be cool to stick my head through a chair in 4th grade. You know how at the end of the day, we had to stalk our chairs ontop of the table? And the backs of those chairs had a square-ish hole in the back? One day after class I told my classmate I could probably fit my head through it, she didn't believe me, so I showed her! Then when I tried to get it out...well it took several minutes and classmates and eventually my teacher to try ad wiggle, pull, smoosh my head outa there. That was the first and last time I did that!
    Love these everyday stories about Quinn and you! Keep updating pls!!

    1. Hahaha oh my gosh - that is AWESOME...

      Yes, Winco is the cheapest act in town...love it!!

  2. So glad this turned out so well! The predicaments children can manage to get into, you can never really be prepared for! :) Part of the fun of family...surviving together!
