Friday, November 2, 2012

Pumpkin patch.

Happy autumn! One item that was high on my list with the season's arrival this year was to take Quinn to a special pumpkin patch in Canby that we visited when I was a baby. I hadn't been there in decades, but I did remember that they have a cute little train called the Phoenix & Holly Rail Road that runs around the patch. The day we went, it was cold...REALLY cold (but not raining!). For most of the visit we had Quinn wrapped up against the wind and loaded into the carrier. When the train stopped at the pumpkin patch section of the farm, the conductor said that we could all get off and go pick pumpkins, and the train would loop back around in twenty minutes to pick us up. I don't think any of the three of us were going to survive twenty more minutes in the elements, so Spenser and I hopped off the train, ran over to the patch, unloaded Quinn, snapped a few photos, and ran back to the train before it could depart again! Hahaha. Gotta take advantage of those photo ops, right?


  1. Kenz, that last pic of you and Quinn is SO cute! Love and miss you guys! Glad she had a great first Halloween :)

    1. Haha, thanks was a fun time! Loved your costume, by the way :)
