{Spenser's cousin Tiffany is back in town, so our Friday night babysitting gig with her two cute daughters is back on! :) Here is baby Jac initiating a trans-utero connection with her cousin...}
Let's be perfectly honest: babies are a bit daunting. Even though I've had some previous experience with childcare and I feel pretty confident that we will be able to handle the demands of parenthood, I've still been really happy to have this little one cooking away while we enjoy the last few months of setting our own schedules, sleeping enough, going out without having to find a babysitter, etc. But I'm here to report at 39 weeks gestation that nature has its way of making a woman more than ready to say goodbye to all of those things in exchange for the ultimate reward: not being pregnant anymore having that cute little baby outside of you!! I'm so lucky that once morning sickness subsided, I have had a really comfortable pregnancy...but over the past week I've definitely started to max out on being huge. I can't remember the last time I was able to completely fill my lungs with air or effectively clip my toenails...and I have to say that my frustration with pregnancy discomforts is officially starting to outstrip any reservations I had about motherhood. Two weeks!! (Rant OVER.)
holy freaking cow. Two weeks!!!!!!